It's very practical, as you can see, with industrial shelving and the countertop under the windows is a formica kitchen countertop from Home Depot which I placed across two drawer units from the Container store. There's also another shelving unit full of boxes in a closet at the end of the landing just outside the french doors. My computer, printers, scanner, etc are all on the L-shaped corner unit, another industrial piece which has served me well since 1996. Nothing glamorous for me I'm afraid, but it fits my needs to a "T" - speaking of which, I could do with a cuppa right now. BTW - there's a balcony outside so I can watch the seasons go by while I work. Check out my snow photo from Feb.12th.

I must admit that I still commandeer the large dining room table downstairs for some of my more long and "involved" projects and I have even more boxes stacked along one wall of the garage. Most of them are full of projects that have appeared in books and magazines and on T.V. I've given a lot of them away to charity gift shops over the years, but there's still a lot left. Time to spring clean again........
Have a happy Monday and a great week!
Yours truly,
Julie :)
Wonderful room to spread out in! I can see wh you need to stay organized. I wish I would discipline myself to do that. Just keep trying