I've got tassels and buttons and trims, oh my!
"Houston we have a problem" - what to make first!
"Houston we have a problem" - what to make first!
T-shirts and aprons pillows and hats,
Baskets and bags, purses and mats.
Just add some trim, it's easy to do
And soon your old stuff will be looking like new!
This is just a small selection from Expo International and already I'm in creative overload. T-shirts, aprons, hats, pillows - pretty much anything can go from boring to beautiful with the addition of one or two, well-chosen trims. Here are a few ideas to start with....

You will also need:
Needle and thread
Lo-temp glue gun
Fabric glue
Double sided photo mounting tape
Glue spots
Up-cyled Headband:

An old headband had seen better days, but it fit nicely (on my head too), so instead of throwing it away I decided to cover it with lace and trim. I chose stretch lace, simply because the headband was about 1" wide at the top, but tapered to 1/2" at each end.
1. Cut the lace to size.

2. Attach one end of the lace to the end of the headband with a glue spot, then pull over the top and attach to the opposite side. Secure the end. Because the lace stretches the edges will curl inward.

3. Adhere the photo mounting tape to the underside of the headband. Remove the cover from the tape then glue the edges of the lace to the tape.

4. Trim the lace at each end as needed.

5. Adhere rhinestone trim on top of the lace for some evening sparkle!

Pillow Pizzaz
Pillows don't have to be plain and boring!

Glue, or sew woven braid along the pattern lines for an updated look.
Note: Dip ends of trim in glue to prevent fraying.

Add a second trim for even more pillow pizzaz and a tassel at each corner!

Summer Bag
Nobody likes a boring bag. Jazz it up with the same trims used on the pillow, plus 3/8" pom pom trim.
1. Cut 4 pieces of woven braid trim and 2 pieces of pom pom trim the width of the bag, Dip ends of trim in fabric glue to prevent fraying. Sew or glue trim in place as shown.

2. Glue the flower, or other complimentary trim on top of the woven braid.

Swag Bag
Glue woven braid trim around the edge of the iron-on vinyl flag for a more finished look.
Note: Dip ends of trim in fabric glue to prevent fraying.
Note: Dip ends of trim in fabric glue to prevent fraying.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Check out the other blogs listed below then head back to the Designer Crafts Connection blog to enter to win your own treasure chest of trims!
Beth Watson
Julie McGuffee - You are here!
Designer Crafts Connection
Julie McGuffee - You are here!
Designer Crafts Connection
Enjoy! Y'all come back now.......
Yours truly,