It's so exciting when a manufacturer adds something new to their existing product line; especially when it's an amazing product!

I love etchall® etching crème and etchall dip'n etch for etching designs on glass and more. For the most part, I cut my own designs from etchmask on the Cricut Explore, so it's easy for me to custom etch anything. Not everyone however, has an electronic cutting machine to use and finding designs to etch can be limited. This is why I was SO excited when I received etchall's new Reposition/Reuse Stencil Spray to try. Now everyone has an opportunity to etch designs using mylar stencils. AND when you etch with a mylar stencil, you can re-use the stencil mutiple times - just like the creme and the dip!
This is the first sample I tried on a 5" x 7" piece of glass.
The result was amazing so I decided to etch this glass accent frame.

I found this accent window frame at a local home store. It was supposed to be used to display photographs, but I needed something long and horizontal for a large, empty wall in my half bath and this was the perfect size. First of all, I removed the bulldog clips which were meant to hold the photos then after cleaning the glass, I was ready to etch.
I decided to use alphabet stencils to spell out a 5-letter word on each of the two rows - one letter in each space.
The letters came in sets of 4 or 5 to a sheet, so I separated the ones I needed and set the remainder aside. Etch as follows:
1. Starting with the top row, following directions on the back of the can, spray the back of each letter with stencil spray, let dry then center each one on the glass.

2. Press each stencil securely in place then cover the glass around the stencil opening with blue painters tape, making sure that the glass is completely covered.

3. Using the squeegee, cover each letter liberally with etchall crème then leave for 15 minutes.
4. After 15 minutes scrape the crème off the stencil and return to the container. A plastic spoon is also helpful for this process. Wipe away any remaining residue with damp paper towels, or baby wipes.
5. When the area is completely clean, remove the tape and stencil. Clean
the glass once more then buff dry with a soft cloth. Repeat the process
with the second row of letters and voilà, I have a cool etched frame with a positive message for everyone!

With so many stencils to choose from, what do you plan to etch? The stencil spray is on sale thru the end of October, so this is a great time to try! Enjoy! Y'all come back now..........
Yours truly,