Visiting my son and his wife for Thanksgiving this year, so I've been tying up some loose ends this week, prepping a big job for when I come back and reminding myself that Christmas day is now only 5 weeks away! Oh my.... it's a scary thought. Not sure why it is, but I never feel "ready" for Christmas. But it comes whether I'm ready or not and each year I try to slow down, so I can really enjoy the fun and joy of this special time of year.
I love everything about Christmas - the decorations, the music, but having the family together is the best gift of all. I also indulge in lots of memories of all the Christmases past and enjoy every last second. So take time to smell the turkey cooking next Thursday, eat waaay too much, savor the moment and get in the holiday spirit. Cheers! Y'all come back now..........
BTW: See post below and don't forget to post your ideas about the Flip-Pal™; it's flippin' awesome!
Yours truly,
Julie :)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Julie!!